The mission accomplishment according to most demanding military requirements and the crew protection are at the top priorities under the hardest circumstances and in the most demanding field conditions… Thanks to the remarkable ballistic protection, superior mobility as well as, the modular design adaptable to various missions, COBRA is always ready for the mission.


COBRA offers a superior mobility and serves many different missions. The powerful turbo diesel V8 engine and high power to weight ratio give COBRA, power to navigate in the toughest terrain conditions. The Independent Suspension, the Central Tyre Inflation Systems along with the permanent four-wheel drive, automatic transmission  ensure the highest level of mobility. Thanks to the remarkable ballistic protection, superior mobility as well as, the modular design adaptable to various missions, COBRA is always ready for the mission.


Amphibious Feature

Amphibious Feature

Various types of COBRA can be designed with amphibious feature. Double hydraulic thrusters with joystick control allow the vehicle to navigate water obstacles with high level stability.


Thanks to the modular body structure, COBRA is a multi purpose platform, designed for various military missions like, General Purpose, Personnel Carrier, Ambulance /Medical Evacuation, Reconnaissance/Surveillance, Command and Control, Internal Security Vehicle, Weapon Platform, NBC Reconnaissance Versatility in design and adaptability to various missions are among the significant design assets of COBRA. Common platform concept also helps the training, maintenance, and the logistic support planning.


Export of all armored vehicles subject to requirements of related governments' export licence regulations.